The North Node of Destiny urges us to consider what we want to bring into our lives. It could be something as small as new furniture or something more considerable, such as a relationship. Whatever we choose to do, the cosmos is pushing us to align with what speaks to us on a soulful level. In our natal birth charts, the North Node of Destiny is often called Rahu (in Vedic astrology) or the True Node (in Western astrology). The house and zodiac sign in the birth chart that it falls in dictates the energy that we are leaning into during this lifetime. It can be scary because it’s new and unfamiliar. However, there is a divine beauty about letting go of fear and hesitation. When the North Node is transiting a sign and house in our birth charts, it is telling us that we should also give energy to this other, specific area of our life in the next 18 months.
What It Means When The Nodes Of Destiny Switch Signs