Total synthesis of twenty-five picrotoxanes by virtual library selection

The synthesis of a complex molecule begins from an initial design stage1,2,3,4 in which possible routes are triaged by strategy and feasibility, based on analogy to similar reactions.2,3 However, as molecular complexity increases, predictability decreases;5 inevitably, even experienced chemists resort to trial-and-error to identify viable intermediates en route to the target molecule. We encountered such […]


Weird lickable lollipop invention lets you taste in virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) experiences could soon get a lot more realistic thanks to a lickable device that lets you “taste” in virtual environments. The small, lollipop-like interface simulates up to nine flavors and can even be combined with smells to make the sensation of taste feel lifelike, scientists said in a new study published Nov. […]


Licking this “lollipop” will let you taste virtual flavors

Demonstrating lollipop user interface to simulate taste in virtual and augmented reality environments. Credit: Lu et al, 2024/PNAS Demonstrating lollipop user interface to simulate taste in virtual and augmented reality environments. Credit: Lu et al, 2024/PNAS Virtual reality (VR) technology has long sought to incorporate the human senses into virtual and mixed-reality environments. In addition […]