Business & Finance

What economists say about the UK’s outlook for 2025

Higher government and consumer spending will restore growth in the UK economy in 2025, helping it to outperform European peers that are more exposed to the threat of political instability and new trade wars. But households will not feel much better off, as wage growth will slow and rising unemployment will fuel anxiety. Meanwhile, inflation […]

Business & Finance

Lord Peter Mandelson to be UK’s next ambassador to US

Lord Peter Mandelson, former Labour cabinet minister and EU commissioner, is to become Britain’s next ambassador to Washington, with an immediate mission to avert a trade war with Donald Trump. Mandelson will take up the post next month, according to UK government officials, in the latest appointment by Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer of a […]


Vodafone and Three clear to merge and form UK’s biggest mobile operator

Vodafone and Three have been cleared to create the UK’s biggest mobile operator after committing to address concerns around network upgrades and price hikes. The proposed £16.5 billion merger (about $20.9 billion) was approved by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) on Thursday following months of regulatory scrutiny, and is expected to be completed in […]

Business & Finance

The UK’s high-wire act between the US and Europe

One of the promised advantages of leaving the EU was that it would allow Britain to forge its own path in the world. With the re-election of Donald Trump, charting an independent route forward became more complicated. Brexit has already left the UK adrift between American and EU trade and regulatory regimes — reluctant to […]

Business & Finance

UK’s long-awaited Budget Day arrives

This article is an on-site version of our The Week Ahead newsletter. Subscribers can sign up here to get the newsletter delivered every Sunday. Explore all of our newsletters here Hello and welcome to the working week. Are you a worker? If you are a British taxpayer, you are going to find out the answer […]