
‘Edge of chaos’ neuroscience theory could lead to superfast computing chips that behave like superconductors

By walking a tightrope between order and chaos, researchers could one day make computer chips work more like the human brain. Researchers created conditions at the “edge of chaos,” a transition point between order and disorder that allows for rapid information transmission, in an electronic device. It allowed the scientists to amplify a signal transmitted […]


Opinion: When Trump talks ‘bad genes’ and ‘racehorse theory,’ he is telling us who he is

Donald Trump’s fascination with genetics, especially his own “good genes” of the white European sort, as well as the “bad genes” of the you-know-which types, has always been creepy. I won’t compare him to Hitler; I leave that to historians and JD Vance. Here’s Vance in 2016, before Trump’s election: Writing to a former Yale […]