
Satellites Can Now Identify Methane ‘Super-Emitters’

In 2024, two new satellites were launched to find methane super-emitters from space: the Environmental Defense Fund’s MethaneSAT took off in March 2024; and Carbon Mapperlaunched later last year as a public-private partnership. Methane is a super-powered greenhouse gas. Pound-for-pound, methane is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide in the first two decades after […]


Dictatorships Will Be Vulnerable to Algorithms

AI is often considered a threat to democracies and a boon to dictators. In 2025 it is likely that algorithms will continue to undermine the democratic conversation by spreading outrage, fake news, and conspiracy theories. In 2025 algorithms will also continue to expedite the creation of total surveillance regimes, in which the entire population is […]


Transforming the Moon Into Humanity’s First Space Hub

This year will mark a turning point in humanity’s relationship with the moon, as we begin to lay the foundations for a permanent presence on its surface, paving the way for our natural satellite to become an industrial hub—one that will lead us to Mars and beyond. Developing a lunar economy boils down to three […]


It’s Official: Boring Cities Are Bad for Your Health

A significant proportion of people today live in towns and cities that grew up around trade, industry, and cars. Think of the docks of Liverpool, the factories of Osaka, the automobile obsession of New York’s Robert Moses, or the low-density sprawl of modern Riyadh. Few of these places were created with human health in mind. […]


How to Build a Healthier Relationship With Your Screen

Whether it’s for work, convenience, connection or entertainment, we rely on digital technology. But the prevailing wisdom is that our screen-based lives are not good for us—that our digital devices and apps are addictive and harmful, wrecking attention span, sleep, and more. However, research suggests screen time isn’t actually the driving force behind declines in […]