
How to read text from images on Windows

There are all kinds of reasons why you might want to extract text out of images. Maybe you’ve taken photos of restaurant bills and you want to make a record of what you’ve eaten; or perhaps you’ve got a bunch of screenshots that you need to get product names out of; or you could have […]


Why AI language models choke on too much text

This means that the total computing power required for attention grows quadratically with the total number of tokens. Suppose a 10-token prompt requires 414,720 attention operations. Then: Processing a 100-token prompt will require 45.6 million attention operations. Processing a 1,000-token prompt will require 4.6 billion attention operations. Processing a 10,000-token prompt will require 460 billion […]

World News

FBI investigates racist text messages sent to black people across US

Authorities are investigating racist text messages sent to black Americans across the country telling them to report to a plantation “to pick cotton”. Black Americans, including school and college students, were among the recipients in states including Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia, New York and Pennsylvania. “The FBI is aware of the offensive and racist text […]


Google DeepMind roll out ‘watermark’ on AI-generated text

Hello Nature readers, would you like to get this Briefing in your inbox free every day? Sign up here. Chemical markers attached to pre-fabricated units of DNA can easily encode data. Credit: Nobeastsofierce/SPL An epigenetic upgrade allows DNA to store information as a binary code — the strings of 0s and 1s used by standard […]