
New begonia species found in Guangxi

Begonia pingxiangensis. Credit: Xi Houcheng Begonia is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Begoniaceae, which includes more than 2,000 species. In China, 288 species, including subspecies, varieties and natural hybrid species have been recognized. In a study published in Taiwaniaresearchers from Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences […]


Morphological evidence supporting four giraffe species classifications

Map showing the geographical range of the extant giraffe species and subspecies as well as representative male skulls of each subspecies in lateral view. Credit: PLOS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0315043 The University of Cape Town, along with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, have conducted a large-scale study identifying significant cranial shape differences between four genetically distinct […]


Borneo’s mountains reveal a new species of orangutan-colored giant pitcher plant

Pitchers and habit of Nepenthes pongoides. (a) Rosette pitcher of immature plant showing highly developed peristome column. (b) Pendent pitcher of a scrambling plant. Note ventral attachment of tendril and scattered large nectar glands of same. (c) Large terrestrial pitcher. (d) Mature rosette emergent from humus-filled fissure between ultramafic boulders; a cutting from this rosette […]


27 new, exciting, and blobby species discovered in the Peruvian rainforest

A rainfrog, an amphibious mouse, and a “blob-headed” fish are only some of the 27 new species discovered deep Peru’s Amazon rainforest. During a survey in 2022, a team from Conservation International recorded 2,046 total species living in this lush and heavily forested landscape, many of whom are endangered. Get the Popular Science newsletter Breakthroughs, […]


From Giant Tortoises to Immortal Jellyfish, These Impressive Animals Are Eight of the Longest-Living Species on Earth

Brian Handwerk Science Correspondent Life is short, the old saying goes, but in the world of animals, we humans are pretty fortunate: Our species is quite long-lived. With 122 being the oldest documented age, humans can enjoy decades more life than most fish, birds and mammals—including our primate relatives. But we’re not alone in experiencing […]


Male humpback whale crossed 3 oceans for sex, inadvertently breaking distance record for species

A male humpback whale crossed at least three oceans in search of sex, a new study shows. The whale’s journey is the longest great-circle distance between two sightings ever recorded for the species (Megaptera novaeangliae), scientists said. Great-circle distance refers to the shortest distance between two points on Earth as measured on the planet’s spherical […]


Invasive species are often threatened in their native habitat

The wild rabbit is endangered in its European homeland. In other parts of the world, such as Australia, this species has been introduced and is present in large numbers. Credit: Alexis Lours Non-native species introduced by humans are among the main causes of global species decline—they were partly responsible for 60% of the species that […]


Environmental Sensing Is Here, Tracking Everything from Forest Fires to Threatened Species

You are in a lush forest. Sunlight filters through the bright green canopy, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Towering trees rise over delicate ferns, wildflowers, and colorful mushrooms. A deer slinks behind a shrub. But there are subtle signs of human intervention: small electronic devices gathering vital data on potential threats such as drought […]