
Why toilet paper roll sizes are so confusing

It’s a truism that everything’s bigger in America — just look at the cars and houses. But perhaps nowhere is the virtue of bigger is better more bizarrely apparent than how toilet paper is sold. Wander into the bathroom products aisle at the supermarket and you’ve entered a topsy-turvy world where numbers shape-shift. A pack […]


Google DeepMind roll out ‘watermark’ on AI-generated text

Hello Nature readers, would you like to get this Briefing in your inbox free every day? Sign up here. Chemical markers attached to pre-fabricated units of DNA can easily encode data. Credit: Nobeastsofierce/SPL An epigenetic upgrade allows DNA to store information as a binary code — the strings of 0s and 1s used by standard […]


Dave Matthews Band Cover Talking Heads At Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

The band also performed “Ants Marching” and “Crash Into Me” before being inducted by superfan Julia Roberts Dave Matthews Band celebrated their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction at Cleveland’s Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse on Saturday, playing a quartet of their biggest songs (and one Talking Heads cover) as the night’s final inductees. The band […]


Read Dave Matthews’ Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Speech

Following Julia Roberts’ induction speech, Dave Matthews Band was welcomed into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the Class of 2024, with the frontman delivering a speech on behalf of his band mates. During his poignant speech, Matthews went down memory lane all the way back to the band’s beginnings […]