Lifestyle & Culture

It’s Time for a Fashion Revolution

This year will be a year of seismic change in fashion. That much is a given. Or actually, it is a given that this will be a year of seismic change in fashion personnel. Starting this month, new designers at eight global brands, including Calvin Klein and Chanel, will be making their runway debuts. As […]

World News

Frustration in the queues holding up a fuel revolution

BBC A revolution in vehicle fuel is gaining momentum in Tanzania, but a lack of filling stations means it is stuck in second gear. Like Nigeria and some other countries on the continent, Tanzania is beginning to embrace compressed natural gas (CNG) as an alternative to petrol and diesel. It is seen as cleaner and […]

The evolving revolution: AI in 2025

AI was 2024’s hot topic, so how is it evolving? What are we seeing in AI today, and what do we expect to see in the next 12-18 months? We asked Andrew Brust, Chester Conforte, Chris Ray, Dana Hernandez, Howard HoltonIvan McPhee, Seth Byrnes, Whit Walters, and William McKnight to weigh in. First off, what’s […]


The AI revolution is running out of data. What can researchers do?

The Internet is a vast ocean of human knowledge, but it isn’t infinite. And artificial intelligence (AI) researchers have nearly sucked it dry. The past decade of explosive improvement in AI has been driven in large part by making neural networks bigger and training them on ever-more data. This scaling has proved surprisingly effective at […]


Why the genetic-testing revolution left some people behind — and what to do about it

Evolutionary geneticist Mary-Claire King did not anticipate the impact of her discovery.Credit: Rina Castelnuovo/New York Times/Redux/eyevine When Mary-Claire King embarked on a painstaking 17-year-long hunt for a gene linked to breast cancer, she had no inkling that its discovery would be saving lives some three decades later. King, an evolutionary geneticist, was trying to solve […]


The huge protein database that spawned AlphaFold and biology’s AI revolution

Crystallographer Helen Berman co-founded the Protein Data Bank in the 1960s. Credit: Rutgers University The 2024 Nobels were all about artificial intelligence (AI). Pioneers of computer neural networks underlying AI scooped the physics prize , and chemistry went to two scientists who developed the revolutionary AlphaFold protein-structure prediction tool and one who pioneered protein design […]