
Assessment of PFO as Related to DCS in the Spaceflight Environment and During Ground Testing

In June 2024, the NASA Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer (OCHMO) Standards Team hosted an independent assessment working group to review the status and progress of research and clinical activities intended to mitigate the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) related to patent foramen ovale (PFO) during spaceflight and associated ground testing and […]


What are the ethical issues related to pig organ transplants in humans?

In 2022, surgeons transplanted the first genetically engineered pig heart into a human. Fifty-seven-year-old David Bennett, a patient with heart failure, survived almost two months with a pig heart beating in his chest, one of five people who have received pig organs as a part of an experimental procedure called xenotransplantation — the transplanting of […]


Russell Brand Comment Not ‘Politically Related’

Nicole Scherzinger is clearing up what she meant when she commented on far-right troll and accused sexual abuser Russell Brand‘s post. On Friday, the Pussycat Doll apologized to the fans who thought her comment on his Instagram showing off a MAGA-style “Make Jesus First Again” cap was “politically related,” stating that she was trying to […]