
The First US Bird Flu Death Is a Stark Warning

Nuzzo says it’s very possible that the Louisiana patient’s preexisting health conditions contributed to the severity of their illness, but also points to the case of a teenager in Canada who was hospitalized with bird flu in November. The 13-year-old girl was initially seen at an emergency department in British Columbia for a fever and […]


Human Metapneumovirus Is Finally Being Taken Seriously

Like many other respiratory viruses, Williams says that hMPV tends to impact those with chronic lung diseases or existing conditions such as asthma and cancer. But despite this, he has found that many doctors are unaware that it’s a threat, largely because until relatively recently, no one was testing for it outside of academic studies. […]


Does Dry January Really Make People Healthier?

If the bars look a bit emptier this month, it may be because more people are trading happy hour for Dry January. The tradition, in which people abstain from alcohol for the entire month, is growing in popularity. In 2022, nearly one in five US adults said they would give Dry January a try, up […]


Scientists warn that mirror bacteria could cause mass extinction

We’re all inured to sensationalist headlines about some disaster or another on the horizon. So I don’t blame anyone who was exhausted when they saw last month that dozens of scientists were warning in the journal Science that mirror bacteria could bring about a catastrophic ecosystem collapse and even mass extinction. After all, we already […]

One way to find mental-health support when professional help is not available

We read with great interest your Feature on laypeople helping to treat mental-health issues in Africa (Nature 635540–542; 2024). The global shortage of mental-health support that it lays bare is even more acute in conflict zones and after natural disasters, when people face the trauma of displacement and loss of life and livelihood. Competing Interests […]


There’s Still Time to Get Ahead of the Next Global Pandemic

Public health is under pressure. Across health care systems around the world, funding is declining, exhausted professionals are leaving the field, and in the US state legislatures are pulling back needed legal authorities. At the same time, outbreaks of diseases such as measles and dengue are increasing, adding more urgency and responsibility to the work. […]


CDC Confirms First US Case of Severe Bird Flu

The United States has now seen dozens of human bird flu cases this year, all of them mild—until now. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed Wednesday that a patient in Louisiana has been hospitalized with a severe case of avian influenza caused by the H5N1 virus. This marks the first instance of severe […]