Saving America From the Propaganda Industrial Complex
Glenn Beck’s new book is a prescient warning to all freedom-loving Americans about the threat posed by the Propaganda Industrial Complex.
Glenn Beck’s new book is a prescient warning to all freedom-loving Americans about the threat posed by the Propaganda Industrial Complex.
Many in the West have applauded the annulling of the first round of the presidential election, won by a Moscow-friendly candidate, but even his critics say it raises troubling questions about Romanian democracy.
Tulsi Gabbard, the onetime Democrat who is Donald Trump’s pick to be the country’s next director of national intelligence, was a faithful consumer of Kremlin-controlled media, three of her former congressional aides told ABC News. According to ABC’s report, the aides said that the failed presidential candidate regularly read and shared stories from RT—a state-run […]
“All art is propaganda, but not all propaganda is art.” The saying from 1984 and Animal Farm author George Orwell features in The Story of British Propaganda Filma new book in the British Film Institute (BFI)’s British Screen Stories series at Bloomsbury Publishing written by Scott Anthony, the deputy head of research at the U.K. […]
Steve Bannon got out of federal prison at around 3 am Tuesday. Seven hours later, he was live on his War Room podcast to “flood the zone with shit” exactly one week before the presidential election. Flooding the zone with shit is Bannon’s own oft-quoted description of his media strategy: churning so many lies or […]
In fights to sway public sentiment, critics often point to costly clothes as evidence of moral corruption.
The claims, however, didn’t go viral until last week and the release of the deepfake video. Darren Linvill, codirector at Clemson University’s Media Forensics Hub, tells WIRED that he immediately recognized this tactic as part of Russia’s well-established disinformation playbook. “There is little doubt this is Storm-1516,” says Linvill, whose team uncovered the network last […]