Lifestyle & Culture

Toast, the Low-Key Brand, Expands Its U.S. Presence

At the end of last year, the lifestyle brand Toast quietly opened its second store in the United States on Elizabeth Street in New York’s NoLIta neighborhood. Suzie de Rohan Willner, its chief executive and an unassuming and warm presence, had flown in from London opening week. Standing by the newly installed store shelves, with […]


Military director presence increases the likelihood of CEO accountability for poor firm performance, study finds

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Principles ingrained via military service may influence corporate governance, especially when it comes to executive accountability. Research published in Strategic Management Journal found that when outside directors with military backgrounds are on a company’s board of directors, it increases the likelihood of CEO dismissal under low-performance conditions. Military science research shows […]

World News

Nato: US military presence in Europe

MOD A US carrier strike group – a major fleet of warships – is a potent symbol of American military power and a signal that it’s willing to defend allies and deter enemies. So the presence of such a force in the North Sea over the past few weeks is meant to reassure European allies, […]