
Approval to Exceed GSA Lodging for LPSC 2025

By the power vested in me by the NSSC to issue approval of the actual lodging costs for a conference in “bulk” instead of individual approvals, I hereby affirm that for the 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference NASA, SMD grants may be charged up to $266/night plus taxes and fees, consistent with the average […]


NASA Workshops Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement with Educators

From November 6-8, 2024, the NASA Science Activation Program’s Planetary Resources and Content Heroes (ReaCH) project held a Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement workshop at the Bradley Observatory at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, Georgia for the space sciences community, including planetary science, astrobiology, astronomy, and heliophysics professionals, as well as invited education specialists. To practice […]

Chinese rice actually tastes ever more nice

A recent Research Highlight (Nature 635527; 2024) suggests that the quality of rice crops in China and Japan is declining, owing to hotter nights brought about by climate change (X. Liu et al. Geophys. Res. Lett. 51e2024GL110557; 2024). There are, however, many quality indicators for rice (Oryza sativa), including appearance and texture. Taste tests by […]

Io’s tidal response precludes a shallow magma ocean

Io experiences tidal deformation due to its eccentric orbit around Jupiter, which provides a primary energy source for Io’s ongoing volcanic activity and infrared emission1. The amount of tidal energy dissipated within Io is enormous and has been hypothesized to support the large-scale melting of Io’s interior and the formation of a global subsurface magma […]


Has Venus ever had an ocean? Its volcanoes hint at an answer

Venus has probably been dry, both inside and on its surface, for all of its history1. Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals Get Nature+, our best-value online-access subscription 24,99 € / 30 days cancel any time Subscribe to this journal Receive 51 print issues and online access 185,98 € per year only 3,65 € per […]


Bacteria found on a space rock turn out to be Earth-grown

Be wary of claims of alien life in samples from space, say researchers who found traces of Earthly bacteria in a particle of rock retrieved from the asteroid Ryugu1. Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals Get Nature+, our best-value online-access subscription 24,99 € / 30 days cancel any time Subscribe to this journal Receive […]


This dwarf planet might have its very own ice volcano

The dwarf planet Makemake, which chills out in the deep freeze of the outer Solar System, might be home to an ice volcano1. Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals Get Nature+, our best-value online-access subscription 24,99 € / 30 days cancel any time Subscribe to this journal Receive 51 print issues and online access […]