
January’s Night Sky Notes: The Red Planet

Mars has fascinated humanity for centuries, with its earliest recorded observations dating back to the Bronze Age. By the 17th century, astronomers were able to identify features of the Martian surface, such as its ice caps and darker regions. Since the 1960s, exploration of the Red Planet has intensified with robotic missions from various space […]


Scientists discover 2 stars orbiting our galaxy’s supermassive black hole in lockstep — and they could point to a type of planet never seen before

Astronomers have discovered a pair of young stars near the supermassive black hole at the heart of our galaxy. And despite living so close to the cosmic behemoth, they are likely to remain intact for a million years. While our pocket of the universe is home to a solitary sun, that’s not the norm. More […]


Surprise discovery in alien planet’s atmosphere could upend decades of planet formation theory

Scientists’ best theories on how planets form could be wrong, new research suggests. Astronomers studying a still-forming planet beyond our solar system have found that its chemical makeup doesn’t fully match the swirling gas and dust disk from which it formed. The finding challenges standard models of planet formation and implies they may be overly […]


This dwarf planet might have its very own ice volcano

The dwarf planet Makemake, which chills out in the deep freeze of the outer Solar System, might be home to an ice volcano1. Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals Get Nature+, our best-value online-access subscription 24,99 € / 30 days cancel any time Subscribe to this journal Receive 51 print issues and online access […]


Spectral method can compute tidal effects on planet and moon interiors

The puzzling, fascinating surface of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa looms large in this newly-reprocessed color view, made from images taken by NASA’s Galileo spacecraft in the late 1990s. This is the color view of Europa from Galileo that shows the largest portion of the moon’s surface at the highest resolution. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute. Scientists have […]


How old is planet Earth?

If you were to imagine all of Earth’s history as just one day, as in Carl Sagan’s cosmic calendar, humans wouldn’t arrive until the last few seconds before midnight. A few hundred thousand years of our species amounts to only a tiny fraction of our planet’s past. So how old is our planet, and how […]