
January’s Night Sky Notes: The Red Planet

Mars has fascinated humanity for centuries, with its earliest recorded observations dating back to the Bronze Age. By the 17th century, astronomers were able to identify features of the Martian surface, such as its ice caps and darker regions. Since the 1960s, exploration of the Red Planet has intensified with robotic missions from various space […]


Sick of taking notes? Let this AI gadget do them for you

What’s worse than sitting through an hour-long work meeting or college lecture? It’s not having to pretend that you’re paying attention; it’s actually having to pay attention—and take notes. It’s a necessary evil if you want to keep your boss happy or get a passing grade, but this AI audio recorder could make your life […]


December’s Night Sky Notes: Spot the King of Planets

Jupiter is easy to observe at night with our unaided eyes, as well-documented by the ancient astronomers who carefully recorded its slow movements from night to night. It can be one of the brightest objects in our nighttime skies, bested only by the Moon, Venus, and occasionally Mars, when the red planet is at opposition. […]


Key Senate Democrat Notes ‘Serious Questions’ About Pam Bondi’s Conduct

A top Senate Democrat on Friday objected on his party’s behalf to President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Pam Bondi, Trump’s onetime personal attorney, as his nominee for attorney general. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Friday he’s aware of “serious questions” about Bondi’s past conduct, and is worried about Trump’s […]