
A sea monster with it’s head on it’s butt? 10 times we were completely wrong about dinosaur-age creatures

Scientists and artists have been reconstructing the appearance of dinosaurs and other ancient creatures for centuries. But they’ve often gotten it wrong. Whether they were hampered by a lack of bones, limited by the knowledge and research techniques of their day, or simply made a blunder, there have been some striking misinterpretations of the fossil […]


Hairy giant tarantula: The monster among mini tarantulas with ‘feather duster’ legs

Name: Hairy giant tarantula (Trichopelma grande) Where it lives: Western Cuba What it eats: Insects, lizards, frogs and other small reptiles Why it’s awesome: Arachnophobes may not appreciate the discovery of a never-before-seen “giant” tarantula species, but for fans of these misunderstood creatures, Trichopelma grande is a special find. Not only is it larger and […]


Scientists spot ‘L-shaped structures’ and ‘weird things’ near monster black hole in epic new Hubble telescope images

Nearly 35 years after its launch, the Hubble Space Telescope is still revealing new things about the cosmos. In a newly released series of images, scientists used Hubble to probe a quasar 2.5 billion light-years away. The results deepen our understanding of how these mysterious objects develop — but also reveal “weird things” in the […]


Monster 4,400-qubit quantum processor is ‘25,000 times faster’ than its predecessor

D-Wave has completed calibrating and benchmarking its latest processor — a 4,400-plus-qubit behemoth that it claims is 25,000 times faster than its predecessor. The Advantage2 quantum processing unit (QPU) is designed for complex applications including artificial intelligence (AI), materials science and optimization tasks. In a statement issued Nov. 6, D-Wave representatives said the new chip […]


Monster Hunter is getting an open-world RPG spinoff for mobile

The Monster Hunter franchise is bringing, well, monster hunting to your smartphone. Capcom has announced that it’s teaming up with TiMi — the studio behind games like Call of Duty: Mobile and Pokémon Unite — for a spinoff called Monster Hunter Outlanders. It’s described as an “open-world survival game” that’s playable either solo or co-op […]


Gila monster spit inspired a new way to detect rare pancreatic tumors

Gila monsters are odd lizards, both from a physical and chemical standpoint. Most people can at least recognize the 1.5-foot-long lizard due its striking bumpy, pink and black scales, squat body, and trademark stubby tail. Those aren’t their only unique features—they are only one of two known lizard species in the world capable of producing […]


Monster X-class flare launches massive solar storm towards Earth — and could trigger auroras this weekend

The sun has unleashed an enormous X-class solar flaretemporarily triggering a radio blackout above parts of the U.S. and unleashing a hefty coronal mass ejection (CME) that will likely slam into our planet, potentially triggering vibrant aurora displays later this week. The X-class solar flare — the most powerful type the sun can produce — […]