
The Invisible Russia-Ukraine Battlefield | WIRED

Russia’s systems were “not very mobile, not very distributed,” Clark tells WIRED. Their relatively small number of big systems, Clark says, “weren’t really relevant in the fight.” Moscow’s strategy assumed there would be a relatively static battlespace. Along the front, they would deploy the Infaunaa heavily armored vehicle that targets radio communications. Further out, around […]


Why the US Military Can’t Just Shoot Down the Mystery Drones

“By all indications, [small unmanned aerial systems] will present a safety and security risk to military installations and other critical infrastructure for the foreseeable future,” NORTHCOM boss Air Force general Gregory Guillot told reporters at the time. “Mitigating those risks requires a dedicated effort across all federal departments and agencies, state, local, tribal and territorial […]


What the US Army’s 1959 ‘Soldier of Tomorrow’ Got Right About the Future of Warfare

Then there’s the matter of the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS), the Army’s futuristic “smart” goggles. Currently based on a ruggedized version of the Microsoft HoloLens 2 augmented reality headset, the IVAS is both night vision goggles and futuristic heads-up display, capable of feeding sensor inputs into a soldier’s line of sight. The Army has […]