
How to Make a Mammal in Nine Evolutionary Steps

Riley Black Science Correspondent Mammals are familiar beasts. From a squirrel on a power line to a blue whale swimming through the sea, we share the world with more than 6,000 mammal species of all shapes and sizes. While we can easily distinguish a creature like a jaguar from a reptile or a bird in […]


From Prolonging Wallaby Pregnancies to Disorienting Hatchling Turtles, 11 Ways Artificial Lights Affect Animals

Brian Handwerk Science Correspondent When the sun sets, darkness guides the ways many animals live and die. The night helps wary mice hide from some predators, but it also helps hunters like keen-eyed owls score their next meal. Many species mate under cover of darkness, like calling crickets that find one another in the night. […]


Can Lynx Be Saved in the Balkans?

I am in the back of a crowded jeep in late March. Outside, in the early Albanian spring, fat rain falls hard. A shepherd drives a sea of goats down the narrow road—they part around our car like a river around a stone. My goal is to see a Balkan lynx, but chances are slim. […]