
Male medaka mating limits revealed

Male medaka mate several times daily while females release eggs once a day. Credit: Osaka Metropolitan University Working out the kinks of mating in the animal kingdom helps to gain insights into the survival of species. Among animals that have multiple partners who deposit eggs outside their body, such as most fish, the males release […]


Male humpback whale crossed 3 oceans for sex, inadvertently breaking distance record for species

A male humpback whale crossed at least three oceans in search of sex, a new study shows. The whale’s journey is the longest great-circle distance between two sightings ever recorded for the species (Megaptera novaeangliae), scientists said. Great-circle distance refers to the shortest distance between two points on Earth as measured on the planet’s spherical […]


A comic, Trump and Alpha Male walk into an election

Alpha Male has won. What happens now? Comedian Brent Terhune has for years satirized the angry, working-class white man who rails against libtards and expresses unyielding devotion to Donald Trump. His monologues resound with right-wing rants and epitomize toxic masculinity in a character he calls Alpha Male. But the aggrieved American man now rides on […]


Male stalk-eyed flies with short eyestalks are less attractive to females but fight more fiercely, scientists discover

A confrontation between stalk-eyed flies. Image by Gerald Wilkinson. Credit: Gerald Wilkinson In stalk-eyed flies, longer eyestalks attract the ladies. Females prefer males with longer eyestalks, and other males are less likely to fight them for access to females. But some males have a copy of the X chromosome which always causes short eyestalks. Scientists […]

World News

Trump talks MMA and golf in podcast push for young male voters

Theo Von / YouTube Theo Von in conversation with Trump Donald Trump has appeared on a slew of shows with huge audiences of young men, sitting for interviews with influencers, comedians and podcasters outside the usual political media. What’s his strategy? About 15 minutes into Donald Trump’s conversation with comedian Theo Von, the chat veered […]