The specimen’s journey to the laboratory: Refined processes, unwavering care

Journey to the laboratory Approximately 40,000 samples, hailing from more than 70 countries around the globe, arrive at Mayo Clinic Laboratories each day. Representing a diverse spectrum of patients — including individuals affected by acute illnesses, chronic disease, rare disorders, and emerging conditions — each patient sample is processed according to rigorous standards and controls […]

Saving and improving lives: The illuminating journey of a laboratory testing specimen

Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ “Life of a Specimen” video series explores the journey patient specimens take as they travel through advanced laboratory testing. We receive patient samples from hospitals and health systems around the world. Whether arriving at our laboratory facilities in Rochester, Minnesota; Jacksonville, Florida; or Scottsdale, Arizona, specimens are treated with the same level […]


Laboratory Director Tawnya Plummer Laughinghouse

“When I transitioned from Spelman to Georgia Tech, it was probably the first time in my life that I had a professor that made me question if I belonged or had what it takes. Previously, I was always used as an example of how students should study, and now, in my first chemical engineering class, […]