Mayo Clinic Q and A: So your kids were gifted noisy toys: Now what?

Getty Images DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My teenager received new headphones for Christmas while my preteen asked for a drum set. It’s been a bit noisy around here. How can I protect their developing hearing? ANSWER: Hearing loss often is thought of as something that happens to the elderly. But we live, work and play in […]


Elon Musk’s Ex-Wife And Mother To His 5 Kids Says His Secret To Extreme Success Is Working Harder Than ‘Average Bear’ And Saying ‘No’ A Lot

Elon Musk’s Ex-Wife And Mother To His 5 Kids Says His Secret To Extreme Success Is Working Harder Than ‘Average Bear’ And Saying ‘No’ A Lot Justine Musk, a writer and the ex-wife of tech mogul Elon Musk – the richest person in the world – offered a rare glimpse into the personal philosophy that […]

Lifestyle & Culture

20 Essential Target Buys For First-Time Parents

This amazing product holds kids from 8 to 45 pounds, is machine washable, and has four different carrying positions: facing out, facing in, hip carrying and nursing, and breastfeeding and burping. Promising review: “I have four children from 13 years–13 months. I wish I HAD THIS FOR ALL OF THEM WHEN THEY WERE BABIES! This […]


Stray Kids’ ‘Hop’ Bows at Number One

It’s the K-pop group’s sixth charting album to bow in the top spot Stray Kids new album Hop tops the Billboard 200 albums chart (dated Dec. 28), making the K-pop group the first act to debut at Number One with their first six charting albums, the publication reports. The  K-pop group previously bowed at Number […]