
Former ByteDance Intern Accused of Sabotage Among Winners of Prestigious AI Award

A former ByteDance intern who was allegedly dismissed for professional misconduct, including sabotaging colleagues’ work, was announced as a winner of one of the most prestigious annual awards for AI research this week. Keyu Tian, whose LinkedIn and Google Scholar pages list him as a master’s student in computer science at Peking University, is the […]


ByteDance intern fired for planting malicious code in AI models

After rumors swirled that TikTok owner ByteDance had lost tens of millions after an intern sabotaged its AI models, ByteDance issued a statement this weekend hoping to silence all the social media chatter in China. In a social media post translated and reviewed by Ars, ByteDance clarified “facts” about “interns destroying large model training” and […]

World News

TikTok owner sacks intern for sabotaging AI project

TikTok-owner, ByteDance, says it has sacked an intern for “maliciously interfering” with the training of one of its artificial intelligence (AI) models. But the firm rejected reports about the extent of the damage caused by the unnamed individual, saying they “contain some exaggerations and inaccuracies”. BBC News has contacted ByteDance to request further details about […]