Business & Finance

Why Is It Important For Black Boys To Learn To Code?

Black boy participating in a robotics workshop. getty Bryan Johnsonthe Executive Director of Black Boys Codespent over 20 years working in corporate Canada, where he often found himself as “the only Black person in the room.” Determined to change that reality, he envisioned a future where Black boys could have the opportunity to take their […]


Joe Biden Just Beat Donald Trump On This Extremely Important Metric

WASHINGTON ― The Senate on Friday confirmed President Joe Biden’s 235th lifetime federal judge, a historic milestone that exceeds predecessor Donald Trump’s impressive first-term total by one. “This marks the largest number of confirmations in a single term since the [Jimmy] Carter administration,” the White House said in a memo. “These highly qualified men and […]


Why is deep sleep so important to memory? It’s about time.

It’s no hidden health secret that sleep is really good for us. It helps our immune systems and supports almost every organ system in the body. We’ve also known for almost two decades that the slow, synchronous electrical waves in the brain during deep sleep supports memory formation. However, we did not know exactly how […]


Sustainable method can electrosynthesize important chemical for synthetic rubber production

Illustration of the electrocatalytic conversion of acetylene (C2H2) to 1,3-butadiene (C4H6) on copper catalysts. The process involves the adsorption of acetylene molecules onto the catalyst surface, followed by hydrogenation and coupling of *C₂H₂ and *C₂H₃ intermediates, leading to the formation of 1,3-butadiene, which is subsequently desorbed. Credit: Nature Catalysis (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41929-024-01250-0 Chemists from the […]