
Satellites Can Now Identify Methane ‘Super-Emitters’

In 2024, two new satellites were launched to find methane super-emitters from space: the Environmental Defense Fund’s MethaneSAT took off in March 2024; and Carbon Mapperlaunched later last year as a public-private partnership. Methane is a super-powered greenhouse gas. Pound-for-pound, methane is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide in the first two decades after […]


Scientists identify the perfect hula hoop ‘body type’

Hula hooping has remained a staple of modern US culture since the 1950sbut people around the world have participated in similar activities for thousands of years. The physics behind maintaining a perfect spin, however, has remained a mystery. Is it something that can be achieved by anyone with enough time and effort, or are there […]


Airborne observations identify major source of US landfill methane emissions

Example images of a landfill with methane emissions from the work face. Credit: Environmental Science & Technology (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c07572 A team has found via testing from airplanes that landfill work faces tend to be responsible for the biggest share of methane emissions in U.S. landfills. Their findings are published in the journal Environmental Science […]


Biologists identify traits correlating with all bird extinctions since 1500

A critically endangered ‘Akikiki that study lead author Kyle Kittelberger photographed on Kauai in 2022. Credit: Kyle Kittelberger Looking to inform the conservation of critically endangered bird species, University of Utah biologists have completed an analysis identifying traits that correlate with all 216 bird extinctions since 1500. Species most likely to go extinct sooner were […]


‘I’d never seen such an audacious attack on anonymity before’: Clearview AI and the creepy tech that can identify you with a single picture

In this extract from “Your Face Belongs to Us” (Simon & Schuster, 2023), journalist Kashmir Hill recalls the emergence of Clearview AI, the facial recognition technology company that burst into public consciousness with its artificial intelligence (AI) software that could supposedly identify pretty much anyone with just a single shot of their face. In November […]