
Extending classical black hole inequalities into the quantum realm

Scientists are exploring the effects of quantum phenomena on black hole dynamics. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman, cmglee. A recent study in Physical Review Letters explores quantum effects on black hole thermodynamics and geometry, focusing on extending two classical inequalities into the quantum regime. Black holes have been thoroughly studied through a […]


Black hole quiz: How supermassive is your knowledge of the universe?

Black holes are the most extreme objects in the universe. These hyper-dense celestial phenomena exert gravitational forces so powerful that not even light can escape their pull, and time itself is distorted in their orbit. Physicist Karl Schwarzschild accidentally discovered the concept of black holes in 1916 while working on a solution to Einstein’s general […]


Indian Ocean gravity hole: The dent in Earth’s gravitational field created by the death of an ancient ocean

QUICK FACTS Name: Indian Ocean geoid low Location: Laccadive Sea, southwest of India Why it’s incredible: The huge gravity hole formed on the site of a prehistoric ocean. The Indian Ocean “gravity hole” is the site of the deepest dent in Earth’s gravitational field. It’s a circular ocean region with a gravitational pull that’s so […]


Astronomers Find Early Fast-Feeding Black Hole Using NASA Telescopes

A rapidly feeding black hole at the center of a dwarf galaxy in the early universe, shown in this artist’s concept, may hold important clues to the evolution of supermassive black holes in general. Using data from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory, a team of astronomers discovered this low-mass supermassive black […]


NASA’s Chandra X-ray telescope sees ‘knots’ blasting from nearby black hole jets

Astronomers have scoured decades-old data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, finding bright, lumpy features dotting a jet of energy spit out by a nearby black hole. Puzzlingly, the “knots” clock a faster speed when seen in X-rays than they do in radio wavelengths. scientists said. “The X-ray data traces a unique picture that you can’t […]


Study reveals three ways to disappear down a Wikipedia rabbit hole

Data from hundreds of thousands of browsing sessions is revealing how people navigate Wikipedia. Credit: Sascha Steinbach/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock An analysis of the searching patterns of nearly half a million people browsing Wikipedia suggests that the site’s users demonstrate three unique styles of curiosity. There’s the ‘hunter’, who pursues specific answers, the ‘busybody’, searching for diverse nuggets […]


Breakdancers at risk for “headspin hole,” doctors warn

Breakdancing has become a global phenomenon since it first emerged in the 1970s, even making its debut as an official event at this year’s Summer Olympics. But hardcore breakers are prone to injury (sprains, strains, tendonitis), including a bizarre condition known as “headspin hole” or “breakdance bulge”—a protruding lump on the scalp caused by repeatedly […]