
Will South Africa become first country to accept controversial form of human genome editing?

Researchers have voiced concerns after South Africa updated its health-research ethics guidelines to include a new section on heritable (or germline) human genome editing. Scientists say this could put the nation one step closer to accepting the controversial technique — which involves introducing genetic changes to sperm, eggs or embryos, such that the modifications will […]


Quantifying constraint in the human mitochondrial genome

Karczewski, K. J. et al. The mutational constraint spectrum quantified from variation in 141,456 humans. Nature 581, 434–443 (2020). ADS  CAS  PubMed Central  Google Scholar  Havrilla, J. M., Pedersen, B. S., Layer, R. M. & Quinlan, A. R. A map of constrained coding regions in the human genome. Nat. Genet. 51, 88–95 (2019). CAS  Google […]


Most complete Tasmanian tiger genome yet pieced together from 110-year-old pickled head

Scientists have assembled the most complete Tasmanian tiger genome to date from a century-old pickled head, providing a full DNA blueprint to potentially bring the extinct species back to life. The breakthrough — one of several new advances in Tasmanian tiger de-extinction efforts spearheaded by the company Colossal Biosciences — was made possible thanks to […]