Lifestyle & Culture

22 Most Overrated Vacation Destinations In The World

22 Most Overrated Vacation Destinations In The World Traveling is all about surprises, for better or for worse. And unfortunately, not all destinations can live up to the hype. Every now and then, somewhere you’ve talked up in your head falls short of your expectations. So, here are some of the places that travelers found […]

Lifestyle & Culture

Can You Pass This International Food Test?

Think you have what it takes to outsmart the average American? Test your knowledge here in this international food showdown! Here’s how this quiz works: I’ll show you a photo of a dish, then provide you with four potential options as to what it’s called. Some questions might be easy, but some require some really […]

Lifestyle & Culture

The Best Thanksgiving Dish Of All Time

There’s a lot of discourse over the ideal Thanksgiving dinner since the list of potential dishes goes on for seemingly forever. Mac ‘n’ cheese vs. scalloped potatoes? Pumpkin pie vs. pecan pie? Turkey vs. ham?! Since I’m sure you have plenty of Thanksgiving dish opinions, now’s your chance to decide once and for all what […]

Lifestyle & Culture

Our Family’s Top Picks and Misses

Costco Holiday Foods: Our Family’s Top Picks and Misses Hi! I’m Anne. My family of four has been shopping at Costco for years, and the holidays are always one of our favorite times to stock up — thanks to all the specialty items on the shelves. Here’s a roundup of the holiday favorites we buy […]

Lifestyle & Culture

Seattle Sushi Spot Closes After Viral Keith Lee Review

Shortly after that statement was released, another TikToker (@joshuam_rivera) posted a video alleging that FOB Sushi was the reason his girlfriend was hospitalized. According to Joshua, the couple ate at the restaurant, and the next day, his girlfriend began feeling sick and exhibiting food poisoning symptoms. After going to urgent care and getting a stool […]