Lifestyle & Culture

Don’t Call It a Gym. It’s a Sporting Club.

When the five-star Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland set out to design a fitness center that would appeal to its next generation of guests, its designers didn’t look to the future. Instead, they turned to the past — specifically, a Slim Aarons photograph titled “Tennis in the Bahamas, 1957.” The result is the Gleneagles Sporting Cluba […]


Best Headphones for Working Out (2025): Beats, Bose, Shokz, JLab

“You’re always mooooving,” a parent friend once said in my direction, as he rapidly disappeared over the horizon. As the working parent of two kids, I … don’t disagree. Luxurious over-the-ear headphones are great if you primarily use headphones at work or for meetings, but for the rest of your life—working out, traveling, or puttering […]


How to Start (and Keep) a Healthy Habit (2025)

This applies not just to things you have to do, but also things you think you want to do. Maybe you think you should learn Spanish, but you haven’t done anything to actually learn Spanish. Admitting that you aren’t actually committed to the idea enough to do the work of learning Spanish can help close […]

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Exercise tips for heart health

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Finding the time to exercise with my busy work schedule seems impossible. How much exercise do I need to benefit my heart, and what kind? If I like to play pickleball, is that a better form of exercise than say, weightlifting?  ANSWER: Finding time within busy schedules can feel difficult, but if you dedicate at […]

Lifestyle & Culture

How Exercise Improves Your Brain Function

The maxim “movement is medicine” exists for a reason. When done safely and properly, physical activity can boost your moodbone health and more. While the connection between exercise and, say, muscle development is apparent, some of its benefits are less obvious. One of these relates to brain health. Research shows that exercise can lower your […]


In first call, Russian defense chief cautioned top US general about large-scale military exercise in Mediterranean Sea

In their first ever call, Russia’s defense chief cautioned the top US general about a large-scale Russian military exercise in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, according to a US official, with tensions running high between the two countries over the escalating war in Ukraine. The call between Chief of Russian General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov and […]


Standing Desks Are Better for Your Health—but Still Not Enough

Without question, inactivity is bad for us. Prolonged sitting is consistently linked to higher risks of cardiovascular disease and death. The obvious response to this frightful fate is to not sit—move. Even a few moments of exercise can have benefits, studies suggest. But in our modern times, sitting is hard to avoid, especially at the […]

Business & Finance

Best Exercise Bikes For Seniors 2024

As we age, maintaining an active lifestyle becomes crucial for long-term health and wellness, but some forms of exercise begin to lose their appeal. Biking outdoors, for example, can be a fun and thrilling activity when you’re young, but as you age, catching a cramp five miles from home or fixing a flat on the […]