
A new-year round-up of the science stories you may have missed

Download the Nature Podcast 8 January 2025 In this episode of the Nature Podcastwe catch up on some science stories from the holiday period by diving into the Nature Briefing. 00:53 The retraction of a controversial COVID study that promoted unproven treatment A much-critiqued study demonstrating the now-disproven idea that hydroxychloroquine can treat COVID-19 has […]


Evolution journal editors resign en masse

Over the holiday weekend, all but one member of the editorial board of Elsevier’s Journal of Human Evolution (JHE) resigned “with heartfelt sadness and great regret,” according to Retraction Watchwhich helpfully provided an online PDF of the editors’ full statement. It’s the 20th mass resignation from a science journal since 2023 over various points of […]


New study documents evolution of fast-growing, fish-eating herring in Baltic Sea

A comparison of the fast-growing fish-eating Baltic herring (Slåttersill in Swedish) and slow-growing plankton-eating spring- and autumn-spawning Baltic herring. Credit: Leif Andersson/Uppsala University Atlantic and Baltic herring are typical plankton-eating fish of central importance for the northern Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea ecosystems. A new study published in Nature Communications led by scientists from Uppsala […]


Neanderthals and humans interbred more recently than scientists thought

Members of a group including the Zlatý kůň woman and the Ranis individuals travel across Europe some 45,000 years ago (illustration). Credit: Tom Björklund The oldest human genomes ever sequenced are helping to illuminate some extremely ancient baby-making. The Neanderthal DNA found in all people with ancestors outside Africa entered the family tree much more […]


Morphology study highlights diverse jaw evolution in lizards and snakes

An image of an anole (a species of ‘false chameleon’) crushing a snail with its jaws. Credit: Professor Anthony Herrel A University of Bristol study has shed light on how lizards and snakes—the most diverse group of land vertebrates with nearly 12,000 species—have evolved remarkably varied jaw shapes, driving their extraordinary ecological success. This research, […]


how consciousness changes the world

Living on Earth: Life, Consciousness and the Making of the Natural World Peter Godfrey-Smith William Collins (2024) Philosopher Peter Godfrey-Smith has devoted his career to examining how animal minds evolved. He blends formidable analytical skills with a deep curiosity about the natural world, mostly experienced at first hand in his native Australia. While writing his […]


The Whole Story of How Humans Evolved From Great Apes

More than 2 million years ago, a mutation reduced the power of the chewing muscles in human ancestors. That may indicate they were doing more food preparation, but also possibly making more controlled use of their mouths. Expanded nerve outlets in the thoracic vertebrae appeared in Homo erectusindicating the millisecond control of breathing that is […]