
Best of 2024: Total Solar Eclipse in Indianapolis

NASA photographer Joel Kowsky captured this image of the Monday, April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indianapolis, Indiana. The total solar eclipse swept across a narrow portion of the North American continent from Mexico’s Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada. A partial solar eclipse was visible […]


NASA’s Terra Satellite Captures 2015 Eclipse Shadow

During the morning of March 20, 2015, a total solar eclipse was visible from parts of Europe, and a partial solar eclipse from northern Africa and northern Asia. NASA’s Terra satellite passed over the Arctic Ocean on March 20 at 10:45 UTC (6:45 a.m. EDT) and captured the eclipse’s shadow over the clouds in the […]


Perseverance rover filmed another Martian googly eye eclipse

Phobos is no slowpoke. Given its size, angle, and orbital pattern, the moon makes a full-circle around Mars roughly once every 7.6 hours. This frequency also makes it far more likely to pass in front of the Sun compared to Earth’s solar eclipses. If you were hypothetically at the right location at the right time […]


Eclipse Megamovie Coding Competition – NASA Science

Tran’s day job is in metrology—the science of measurement (not to be confused with meteorology!). “In my professional life,” said Tran, “I support a measurement standards and calibration program, so we live by having good procedures!” He also volunteers in technical societies, focusing on standards development, engineering, and technology education. Outside of work, Hy mentors […]

Business & Finance

89 Million Will See The ‘Eclipse Of The Century’ — What To Know

A time-sequence composite of the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse. Getty Just 175,000 people will see today’s annular solar eclipse. Images will be flashed across the globe, most likely from Easter Island/Rapa Nui, where committed eclipse-chasers will view a “ring of fire” solar eclipse surrounded by the island’s iconic moai monoliths that date back […]