
Excavations uncover evidence for the emergence and rejection of the earliest state institutions in Iraq

Aerial view of the 2023 exposure in Area I at Shakhi Kora. Credit: Antiquity Excavations at a 4th millennium BCE settlement in Iraqi Kurdistan have revealed new clues about the origins of the world’s earliest governing institutions, suggesting they emerged partly from their ability to provide large-scale meals, potentially as payment for labor. However, the […]


Earliest fish-trapping facility in Central America discovered in Maya lowlands

Researchers doing reconnaissance in the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary CTWS where they discovered evidence of a large-scale pre-Columbian fish-trapping facility. Credit: Belize River East Archaeology (BREA) Project An archaeologist from the University of New Hampshire and her team have collected data which indicates the presence of a large-scale pre-Columbian fish-trapping facility. Discovered in the Crooked […]


Origins of world’s earliest writing point to symbols on ‘seals’ used in Mesopotamian trade

The world’s oldest known system of writing was influenced by symbols used for trade — engravings found on cylinders used in the exchange of farming produce and textiles, a new study suggests. The finding reinforces an idea proposed in earlier research: that cuneiform script — which was developed in early Mesopotamia around 3100 B.C. and […]