
Why is MAGA obsessed with drinking raw milk?

Drinking raw, unpasteurized milk was once mainly touted by a small group of people on the left, often those skeptical of corporate farming. But now, as concerns increase about the possibility that avian flu might be transmittable to humans via consumption of raw milk, MAGA conservatives have taken up the cause. The Food and Drug […]


Top Florida health official advises against fluoride in drinking water

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo on Friday announced a recommendation against community water fluoridation. The recommendation comes as a Florida city voted last week to remove fluoride from its drinking water, with one city commissioner citing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s past comments on the matter as one of the reasons.  Florida’s top health official cited “the neuropsychiatric…

Business & Finance

October Surprise: I’m Still Drinking Rosé!

It’s October. Keep on drinking [rosé] getty This series was founded five years ago on the premise that rosé is not limited to the summer season. The proliferation of regions producing pink juice from their native grapes means a wider variety of styles, structures and colors. But one thing they have in common: food friendliness, […]


Milton Disrupted the Flow of Drinking Water—so Florida Deployed a Machine to Harvest It From Air

David Stuckenberg, cofounder and chief operations officer at Genesis Systems, explains that the WaterCube uses proprietary liquid and solid sorbents—materials that absorb water—that essentially “form a handshake with the water in the air.” The machine then heats these materials to extract the water. Atmospheric water generators typically require a substantial amount of energy to run, […]