
The First US Bird Flu Death Is a Stark Warning

Nuzzo says it’s very possible that the Louisiana patient’s preexisting health conditions contributed to the severity of their illness, but also points to the case of a teenager in Canada who was hospitalized with bird flu in November. The 13-year-old girl was initially seen at an emergency department in British Columbia for a fever and […]


Human Metapneumovirus Is Finally Being Taken Seriously

Like many other respiratory viruses, Williams says that hMPV tends to impact those with chronic lung diseases or existing conditions such as asthma and cancer. But despite this, he has found that many doctors are unaware that it’s a threat, largely because until relatively recently, no one was testing for it outside of academic studies. […]


The World’s First Crispr Drug Gets a Slow Start

Deshawn “DJ” Chow waited a year to receive a treatment that could change his life. The 19-year-old was born with sickle cell disease, which makes his red blood cells crescent-shaped and sticky. The misshapen cells build up and block blood vessels, cutting off oxygen to parts of the body and causing episodes of excruciating pain. […]

Mayo Clinic Neurology AI Program tests platform to detect brain diseases

Research suggests machine learning can assist clinicians with diagnoses, treatment    Imagine a world where neurological diagnoses are made with greater precision, treatment decisions are supported by data-driven insights and early detection is more frequent. This is the vision driving new research from the Mayo Clinic Neurology Artificial Intelligence Program (NAIP), where artificial intelligence (AI) […]


CDC Confirms First US Case of Severe Bird Flu

The United States has now seen dozens of human bird flu cases this year, all of them mild—until now. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed Wednesday that a patient in Louisiana has been hospitalized with a severe case of avian influenza caused by the H5N1 virus. This marks the first instance of severe […]


Making kidney tests work for everyone

A 2022 regional study found that creatinine is an inadequate biomarker for kidney function in people in South Africa, Malawi and Uganda.Credit: Sandra Maytham-Bailey, ARK Study In 2020, the Black Lives Matter movement forced the United States to reckon with systemic racism and its causes and manifestations. Driven partially by the disproportionate toll that the […]


Delivering mRNA and RNAi-based therapies in single treatment could combat complex diseases

Single-drug NP’s gene restoration and knockdown, and simultaneous gene restoration and knockdown mediated by codelivery dual-drug NPs using mRNA and siRNA in two cell lines. Credit: ACS Nanoscience Au (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acsnanoscienceau.4c00040 Researchers at the University of Ottawa may have cracked the code to harness both mRNA and RNAI-based therapies to improve the treatment of […]