
Take Part in Veganuary and You Might See Yourself Differently

THIS ARTICLE IS republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Humans have long wrestled with their conscience about killing and eating animals. The “meat paradox” (the conflict between people’s preference for meat and their concern for animals) may have inspired cave paintings from 37,000 years ago. Since then, many leading thinkers have eschewed […]


Good at Reading? Your Brain May Be Structured Differently

THIS ARTICLE IS republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. The number of people who read for fun appears to be steadily dropping. Fifty percent of UK adults say they don’t read regularly (up from 42 percent in 2015) and almost one in four young people aged 16 to 24 say they’ve never […]

Lifestyle & Culture

Donald Trump and Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Chatted On Thanksgiving, But Recall The Conversation Quite Differently

After President-elect Donald Trump shared what he called “a wonderful conversation” with Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Wednesday evening, he claimed that the pair agreed “to stop Migration through Mexico, and into the United States, effectively closing our Southern Border.” That’s not how she remembers it. “In our conversation with President Trump, I explained to him […]


People who can’t smell breathe differently

Most peoples’ noses are working overtime. If you have a normal sense of smell, an hour’s worth of breathing comes with hundreds of “exploratory sniffs,” according to new research. These subtle, unconscious inhalation peaks–along with other small signatures–amount to a respiratory pattern that significantly differs from that of people born without a sense of smell. […]