One way to find mental-health support when professional help is not available

We read with great interest your Feature on laypeople helping to treat mental-health issues in Africa (Nature 635540–542; 2024). The global shortage of mental-health support that it lays bare is even more acute in conflict zones and after natural disasters, when people face the trauma of displacement and loss of life and livelihood. Competing Interests […]

Lifestyle & Culture

How I Survived Postpartum Depression & Heartbreak — And Found Myself Again

Recently, singer Halle Bailey shared her struggle with postpartum depression after a public dispute with her child’s father, DDG. Seeing her vulnerability and the intense online reaction, I felt a deep connection. As a woman, particularly, a Black woman, who has also navigated the challenges of a breakup during the early stages of motherhood, I […]


Is Depression Contagious? | Smithsonian

A new study suggests that among adolescents mental health disorders could be “socially transmitted,” though its researchers could not establish any direct cause. Carol Yepes via Getty Images The contagious nature of bacterial or viral infections like strep throat or influenza is well understood. You’re at risk of catching the flu, for example, if someone […]


Brain stimulation at home helps to treat depression

A healthy brain (fMRI image). Researchers are investigating the effects of stimulating regions of the brain linked to depression. Credit: Mark & Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute/Science Photo Library A remote clinical trial involving more than 150 people has shown that an experimental treatment for depression — which uses a swimming-cap-like device to gently […]