
A guide to the Nature Index

The Nature Index is a database of author affiliations and institutional relationships. The index tracks contributions to research articles published in high-quality natural-science and health-science journals, chosen based on reputation by an independent group of researchers. The Nature Index provides absolute and fractional counts of article publication at the institutional and national level and, as […]


Ancient DNA data hold insights into past organisms and ecosystems — handle them with more care

DNA fragments extracted from archaeological human remains can be sequenced to identify the microorganisms that caused disease.Credit: Microgen/Getty Over the past ten years or so, investigations of degraded or ‘ancient’ DNA have skyrocketed. By extracting DNA fragments from diverse sources —from human teeth and faeces to soil samples and ice cores — researchers have uncovered […]


A guide to the Nature Index

The Nature Index is a database of author affiliations and institutional relationships. The index tracks contributions to research articles published in high-quality natural-science and health-science journals, chosen based on reputation by an independent group of researchers. The Nature Index provides absolute and fractional counts of article publication at the institutional and national level and, as […]


The huge protein database that spawned AlphaFold and biology’s AI revolution

Crystallographer Helen Berman co-founded the Protein Data Bank in the 1960s. Credit: Rutgers University The 2024 Nobels were all about artificial intelligence (AI). Pioneers of computer neural networks underlying AI scooped the physics prize , and chemistry went to two scientists who developed the revolutionary AlphaFold protein-structure prediction tool and one who pioneered protein design […]