Business & Finance

Is Artificial Intelligence The Cure For Healthcare’s Chronic Problems?

Max Votek, co-founder and managing partner at Customertimes. getty High costs, long wait times and mixed patient outcomes pose a challenge for the U.S. healthcare system. But there’s good news—there’s a new treatment currently undergoing clinical trials that could help cure the sector’s issues and nurse it back to full strength: artificial intelligence (AI). With […]

Dancer reclaims her life after years of chronic pain

Abbie Langton started dancing at age 3. Although she’s trained across the spectrum of dance genres — including ballet, tap, hip hop and jazz — lyrical and contemporary are her favorites. Abbie’s passion for performing led her to receive a scholarship for competitive dance at a university in Connecticut. But during her sophomore year, debilitating […]

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Treatment-free remission for chronic myeloid leukemia

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 32-year-old daughter was recently diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia. It’s a lot to take in. We’ve heard about treatment-free remission. That sounds hopeful. What does that mean? How is it achieved? ANSWER: It is a lot to take in. Some background information may help you and your daughter understand this diagnosis […]