
VPN used for VR game cheat sells access to your home network

For proxy networks, Hinderer says, one end of the spectrum is where networks could be used as a way for companies to scrape pricing details from their competitors’ websites. Other uses can include ad verification or people scalping sneakers during sales. They may be considered ethically murky but not necessarily illegal. At the other end […]


Don’t use crypto to cheat on taxes: Bitcoin bro gets 2 years

A bitcoin investor who went to increasingly great lengths to hide $1 million in cryptocurrency gains on his tax returns was sentenced to two years in prison on Thursday. It seems that not even his most “sophisticated” tactics—including using mixers, managing multiple wallets, and setting up in-person meetings to swap bitcoins for cash—kept the feds […]

Lifestyle & Culture

Your Cheat Sheet To Amazon’s Best Cyber Monday Deals

.disclaimer{width:90%;margin-bottom:1rem}.disclaimer__lines{width:100%;margin:0 auto;border-bottom:1px solid #999;padding:0;max-width:150px}.disclaimer__copy{width:100%;max-width:355px;font-family:Brown Regular,sans-serif;font-size:.9rem;font-weight:300;line-height:1.3em;color:#333;padding:0 0 .4rem;margin:1rem auto;text-align:center} All linked products are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase any of these products, we may earn a commission. Before Cyber Week even began, Amazon was dishing out a hefty batch of excellent deals, from historically low prices on coveted Apple products to major savings […]


Why do kids cheat? Is it normal, or should I be worried?

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Everyone knows a kid who cheats at Monopoly or backyard cricket. Perhaps they have even cheated on a test at school. If you notice your own child is doing this, you may worry they are headed for a life of crime. But in developmental terms, cheating is not usually a cause […]