
While we’re quick to limit kids’ screen time, parents can also benefit from setting boundaries for themselves

by Michael Wheeler, David Dunstan, Lauren Arundell, Mats Hallgren and Paddy Dempsey, The Conversation Credit: Micah Eleazar from Pexels In many households, screens are part of daily life—from work to entertainment. But for parents, setting boundaries around screens isn’t just about kids; it’s also about modeling a balanced approach to screen use. Our research shows […]


Pushing the boundaries of traditional ceramic techniques by merging art and science

An art installation of graphene-reinforced ceramics produced by Delia Prvački. Credit: Daria Andreeva, National University of Singapore, and Delia Prvački, Deliarts Pte Ltd. Art and science are sometimes poles apart, but that isn’t the case in a research project described in ACS Omega. For this work, an interdisciplinary team merged scientific research, technological advancements and […]

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Setting boundaries for your well-being

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’m a people-pleaser by nature and have difficulty saying no or setting limits in my relationships. How can I start to create healthier boundaries in a kind yet firm way? ANSWER: People have various types of relationships, including partners, spouses, children, friends, co-workers, neighbors and acquaintances. Different relationships involve different interactions, responsibilities […]