
biologist who discovered the genetic origin of light-induced plant growth

Credit: Salk Institute Joanne Chory was a pioneering biologist and geneticist whose work transformed modern molecular plant biology. Her early discoveries on how plants sense and respond to light, and how they regulate growth through steroid hormones, reshaped our understanding of plant development. Her vision for using plants to mitigate global warming through carbon sequestration […]

Business & Finance

The Vultures Disappeared And Half A Million People Died—A Biologist Explains Why

Vultures in the Indian subcontinent dropped from a thriving population in the millions to a mere … [+] 20,000 within a decade—then a public health crisis emerged. getty Vultures have been held in twisted fascination throughout history. Their association with death may be a practical necessity for them, but the human world has always sought […]


Smaller brains? Fewer friends? An evolutionary biologist asks how AI will change humanity’s future

Credit: CC0 Public Domain What will humans be like generations from now in a world transformed by artificial intelligence (AI)? Plenty of thinkers have applied themselves to questions like this, considering how AI will alter lives—often for better, sometimes for worse. They have conjured dramatic scenarios, like AI-driven extinction of humans (and many other species), […]


‘A direct relationship between your sense of sight and recovery rate’: Biologist Kathy Willis on why looking at nature can speed up healing

The practice of forest bathing is a mindful, meditative experience where we allow our senses to become attuned to nature by spending time walking through woodlands. Numerous studies have shown that immersing ourselves in the natural world in this way can have significant health benefits, but could we ever bring this practice to a clinical […]