
Cliff-top sites preserve ancient Aboriginal heritage on the River Murray

The context of the Pike River cliff-top sites and an example of an eroding midden lens contained within Woorinen Formation sediments above a carbonate palaeosol (MR = Murray River). Credit: Radiocarbon (2024). DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2024.99 New research by Flinders University researchers, conducted in partnership with the River Murray and Mallee Aboriginal Corporation (RMMAC), has documented ancient […]

World News

Aboriginal protester arrested outside Sydney Opera House

An Aboriginal protester has been arrested at the Sydney Opera House as crowds await a glimpse of the King and Queen on the final day of their tour in Australia. Throngs of people have packed the harbourside forecourt, where the royal couple are due to visit on Tuesday afternoon. Wayne Wharton, a prominent Indigenous activist […]