
Jon Stewart On Kamala Harris Certifying the Election of Donald Trump

After a three-week break, Jon Stewart is back at “The Daily Show” desk to recount Vice President Kamala Harris certifying the presidential election of Donald Trump, which of course, took place on the four-year anniversary of the Capitol insurrection.

“What a historic day in Washington, D.C. it is. As many of you know it’s Jan. 6. And as you can see, once again, a blanket of angry white is descending on the Capitol,” Stewart said as he flashed a picture of the U.S. Capitol covered in snow on screen. “This white, oddly enough, not as disruptive. It did snarl traffic, but a lot less bear spray and Confederate flags.”

Jan. 6 is traditionally the day the current Vice President will certify the votes for the incoming president. Stewart was quick to point out the awkward fact that Harris, who lost to Trump in the 2024 presidential election, had to act as the “master of ceremonies” for the event.

Stewart played a clip of Harris reading out the number of votes Trump received in Florida, which was followed by resounding applause from a portion of the onlooking congress members.

“That’s got to sting. She’s like, ‘Um, I can hear you,’” Stewart joked. “That’s like attending your own funeral, and even the mourners are like, ‘Woo-hoo!’ I can’t imagine anything that would be more uncomfortable than sitting there while the crowd applauds your opponent.”

Stewart then played a clip of Harris announcing her own votes from California, which also was received with applause.

“Wait! That sounded louder,” Stewart said. “There is a lot of joy in that room. I think she can still win this thing! She just needs them to find 130,000 votes in Georgia! And then some in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and maybe Wisconsin.”

Stewart continued, “But ultimately, the certification ceremony that we all look forward to every four years since I was little, went off without a hitch. Because it’s amazing how smoothly our democracy works when you don’t act like a little bitch when you lose. Not naming names! Just saying.”


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