…Forecast flooding changed from Minor to Moderate severity and
increased in duration for the following rivers in California…
Sacramento River At Tehama Bridge affecting Tehama County.
For the Upper Sacramento River…including Bend Bridge, Red Bluff
Diversion Dam, Tehama Bridge, Vina Woodson Bridge, Hamilton City,
Ord Ferry…Moderate flooding is forecast.
* WHAT…Moderate flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is
* WHERE…Sacramento River at Tehama Bridge.
* WHEN…Until further notice.
* IMPACTS…At 215.7 feet, Water on streets at south end of the town
of Tehama. Trailers at Pehlams Bay begin to flood. Many roads
closed: Gyle Road at 5th street, Gyle at RR tracks, Tehama-Vina
Road at park, and C Street west of 5th at the dip.
At 216.7 feet, 3 homes on east side of the river flooded. 2nd
Street south of I Street flooded. 4th Street at I Street flooded.
5th Street flooded from Gyle curve to F Street. San Benito Road at
RR tracks flooded.
– At 8:00 AM PST Wednesday the stage was 216.6 feet.
– Bankfull stage is 206.5 feet.
– Recent Activity…The maximum river stage in the 24 hours
ending at 8:00 AM PST Wednesday was 216.6 feet.
– Forecast…The river is expected to rise above flood stage
Friday morning and continue rising to a crest of 216.6 feet
late this morning.
– Flood stage is 209.5 feet.
– Flood History…This crest compares to a previous crest of
216.6 feet on 03/20/2011.
– http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood